The Implementation Group has worked with a variety of nonprofit, government, philanthropic, and private organizations to support targeted implementation planning, capacity building, and evaluation that helps organization achieve their vision for themselves and their communities. The following is a list of our most recent projects and partnerships.

Office of Head Start, National Center for Early Childhood Development Training and Learning (NCECDTL)
The Implementation Group has partnered with the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) at the Frank Porter Graham (FPG) Child Development Institute and Zero to Three to provide training and technical assistance and evaluation to targeted Office of Head Start Regions throughout the country. TTA and evaluation activities are focused on increasing implementation capacity at multiple levels of the system with Head Start Regional staff and TA providers.

Denver Preschool Program (DPP)
The Implementation Group has partnered with the Butler Institute for Children and Families at the University of Denver to conduct the ongoing evaluation of DPP, including both its support of families in accessing DPP programs and its support of preschool providers to improve their capacity, quality, and sustainability in delivering preschool services to Denver families.

Clayton Early Learning
The Implementation Group provides targeted consultation to Clayton leadership related to organization-wide implementation planning, capacity building, and evaluation of effective implementation practices.

LAUNCH Together
The Implementation Group partnered with the Butler Institute for Children and Families at the University of Denver to conduct a community-based and cross-site evaluation of the newly launched Project LAUNCH Together. This initiative is privately funded through support from the Rose Foundation, Colorado Health Foundation, Piton Foundation, Buell Foundation, and Caring for Colorado, with Early Milestones serving as the lead organization providing project coordination and technical assistance.

Funders Learning Network (FLN)
The Implementation Group provided targeted consultation to the Funders Learning Network (FLN) to develop a Theory of Change that outlined FLN's key short- and long-term goals representing a cross-network consensus on shared priorities from multiple funding organizations focused on early childhood mental health initiatives in Colorado.

Tony Grampass Youth Service (TGYS)
The Implementation Group partnered with the Butler Institute for Children and Families at the University of Denver and ResultsLab, an independent consulting group, to facilitate Theory of Change development and evaluation capacity building to support select TGYS grantees in building the level of evidence for their youth-serving programs.

Latino Community Foundation of Colorado (LCFC)
The Implementation Group was engaged by LCFC to support the development of a Theory of Change and related evaluation plan to track engagement of Latino Elders and their families in the Montbello neighborhood of Denver. LCFC seeks to improve coordination and access to needed services in the community that supports a multi-generational and culturally-relevant approach to elder care in the Latino community.

Invest in Kids
The Implementation Group served as the evaluation firm for the statewide implementation of the Incredible Years program in Colorado from 2011 to 2017, as well as supporting internal evaluation capacity-building efforts with Invest in Kids resulting in the hand-off of the statewide evaluation activities from TIG to Invest in Kids evaluation staff in 2017. The statewide implementation of the Incredible Years involves over 8,000 students, 400 teachers, and 400 parents in Colorado each year. In addition, staff from The Implementation Group facilitated strategic planning, tool and measure development, analysis of fidelity data and responsiveness to coaching, and data collection protocol development, and provide consultation and technical assistance related to implementation planning, site-level readiness assessment, and implementation capacity building.

Boulder County IMPACT
The Implementation Group conducted intensive implementation and capacity building for Boulder County IMPACT, a multi-agency partnership that works to improve services and systems for high-risk children, youth and families involved in the juvenile justice and mental health systems in Boulder County, Colorado. The Implementation Group developed and led a multi-agency implementation team designed to provide support to all aspects of implementation planning for evidence-based programs and services delivered to youth. During the course of our work, we assisted Boulder County IMPACT in the evaluation and assessment of two existing programs, the installation and implementation of three new programs, and the installation and implementation of additional services for juvenile justice-served youth and families.

Adams County Youth Initiative (ACYI)
The Implementation Group worked with Board members from ACYI to review current priorities, facilitate a strategic planning process, and review internal organizational structure and Board member roles. TIG also worked with ACYI staff to help develop and refine key program model components, which provides community-based referral and coordination services for youth not already engaged in a formal service system but who are identified as individuals who would benefit from additional connections to community-based services.

Global Implementation Conference (GIC) / Global Implementation Initiative (GII)
Jennifer Schroeder from The Implementation Group served as a Founding Member and Chair of the Global Implementation Conference (GIC), a biennial conference that gathers implementation stakeholders to share advances in implementation science, practice, and policy. Dr. Schroeder also served as Vice-President of the Global Implementation Initiative (GII) from 2009 - 2017.

Evidence-Based Practices Implementation for Capacity (EPIC), Colorado Department of Public Safety
The Implementation Group conducted implementation planning and capacity building with EPIC staff, and provided consultation and technical assistance related to site- and community-level readiness assessments, practice-improvement strategies, evaluation frameworks and the development of measurement tools. Additionally, The Implementation Group conducted logic model development and strategic planning, as well as planning for long-term research and evaluation. EPIC is a resource center created in 2009 to implement evidence-based programs and practices into the criminal justice system in Colorado.

The Implementation Group conducted a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a mindfulness curriculum delivered in early elementary classrooms in Boulder. The Implementation Group also worked closely with project staff to develop the core program model, establish a program logic model, improve fidelity measurement and coaching protocols, and align observed outcomes with evaluation instruments.

Colorado 9to25
The Implementation Group was engaged to develop a systems-level evaluation plan for the newly formed Colorado 9to25 Initiative that was supported and facilitated by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Children’s Bureau/ JBS International Child Welfare Workforce Development Academy
Jennifer Schroeder of The Implementation Group served as expert faculty, conducting a series of trainings to four cohorts of state Child Welfare managers on the development and use of fidelity data to inform Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) practices. Dr. Schroeder participated in both the development and delivery of the fidelity and CQI curriculum.

Mile High United Way
The Implementation Group facilitated a comprehensive strategic planning process for the full organization including Board members and its grant portfolio. The scope of work included key informant interviews with board members and senior staff, and focus groups conducted with multiple managers and line staff. The Implementation Group also created, distributed, and analyzed a survey for all Mile High United Way staff related to current and future directions for community impact work.

Mile High United Way/ Center for Family Opportunities (Integrated Services) Initiative
The Implementation Group assisted two grantee hubs in the first year of the initiative to develop an implementation plan for their three-year grant as well as help each site further refine their model for services, identify core components for replication, develop implementation teams to sustain the work over the course of the three-year grant, and support ongoing capacity building to ensure that the model was implemented with quality.

Greater Littleton Youth Initiative
The Implementation Group reviewed current evaluation results for three evidence-based programs (EBPs) currently implemented in the Greater Littleton area, produced a report with recommendations for future implementation and evaluation efforts, and presented recommendations to the Littleton City Council.